Alternative Medicine

Alternative Medicine

At Nourishing World, we advocate for a natural approach to health and wellness. We believe that our bodies are innately well-equipped to fight disease and will thrive when mindfully nourished, especially without excessive intervention. The fast pace of modern society leaves the health care consumer searching for the fastest route to a cure, leaving us anxious to medicate, vaccinate, operate on, and heal the sick. Adequate sleep, hydration, exercise, and a whole food diet are considered the keys to holistic wellness. In times of ill health, we look first to our planet for natural ways to aid the body in organically healing itself. This practice of "alternative medicine" is experiencing a widespread revitalization as our generation questions the use of conventional medicine. 

Alternative medicine techniques take into account the body's myriad of defense systems and promote supporting these natural processes. The use of chiropractic care, naturopathy, homeopathy, vitamin and supplement nutrition-based therapy, and acupuncture, along with many others, have long been used in conjunction with, or in lieu of science-based care. Modern medicine certainly has its place, but the risks of treatment often outweigh the benefits. Needless, expensive procedures and prescriptions put sufferers of disease into a cycle of intervention as one treatment begets another ailment. The benefits of complementary medicines, conversely, are huge! Largely without side effects, these treatment plans work to bring the body's systems back into alignment and promote whole-body preventative care. Our philosophy is to utilize conventional medicine only as a last resort.

The excessive and continued use of prescription drugs can lead to internal damage of the kidneys and liver and puts the user at higher risk of developing ulcers. We are weary of the overuse of antibiotics and the subsequent elimination of good bacteria from our bodies. The "Purell generation" is plagued with superbugs and deadly flu strains of our own creation, and we have depleted ourselves of the natural antibodies to fight them. Sometimes, the best offensive approach is a good defense. Arming our bodies with probiotics, antioxidants, and a steady supply of whole food vitamins and minerals is a great way to ensure continued good health. 

Illness Prevention - Some all natural tips for getting healthy and staying healthy.

Natural Health Guide

The best thing we can do is not get sick in the first place. Check out our Illness Prevention page for many helpful all natural suggestions about how to get healthy and stay healthy. The following is a list of common ailments and some natural ways to remedy them.

Since most common childhood ailments are viral in nature, we believe that it is generally best to allow the virus to run its course and keep your patient as comfortable as possible with natural symptom relief. Of course, common sense and parental instinct prevail. This is simply a guide and is not a substitute for medical advice. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.

I have many personal experiences successfully treating a wide range of symptoms without conventional medicine. We all know about the side effects of many drugs, including ulcers, liver, and kidney damage. There are safe alternatives.

Everyone in my family uses these remedies with great results. I am happy to know that they are safe, with no side-effects. Once my son got into one of the little blue homeopathic bottles and took a bunch of them. He was around 3 years old. Dr. Kupperburg told me although it wasn't good, I need not take him to the hospital or emergency room and not to worry. What a relief!

Vaccinations - Make informed and intelligent decisions about vaccines. Not all doctors recommend vaccinating for the same things, if at all. Many believe there can be sometime serious and fatal side effects from certain vaccinations. Check out this blog post we did for information on flu shots and their potential side effects.